Venkat Prabhu directed the prestigious 50th film of Ultimate Star Ajit, with the title 'Mankatha'. There was a gossip that Nagarjuna was asked to play cameo in the film, but he could not adjust the dates due to his pre-occupation with other projects. Arjun replaced Nagarjuna in the role. Trisha paired up with the hero.
The Tamil version was produced by Dhayanidhi Azhagiri on the banner of Cloud Nine Movies. As Ajit is a known face in Telugu with films like 'Prema Lekha' and other such films, Multi- Dimension Films bought the dubbing rights of the prestigious film and started the dubbing and other post-production works in Telugu.
Though earlier it was planned to release the film simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil, the Tamil version of the film had hit the screens on August 31.
Surprisingly, the film was proved a biggest hit and reportedly had the highest openings in Tamil which surpassed the records of Tamil Super Star Rajanikanth's 'Enthiran'.
Let us hope Ajit would repeat the same magic in Telugu, as dubbed films are ruling the roost in Telugu these days.
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